ALCHEMY Prima Materia 03c

by Dar Freeland
Original - Not For Sale
Not Specified
5.000 x 5.000 inches
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ALCHEMY Prima Materia 03c
Dar Freeland
Painting - Ink & Fine Art Watercolor On Glass/paper
Alchemy Fine Art Watercolor paintings are created by placing fine art watercolors, pigments and ink onto a sheet of glass, illuminated from beneath. The image is then pulled from the glass onto Arches paper in a variety of motions to achieve different textures, motion, color distribution and depth.
Freeland describes the Alchemy Collection as "...an exploration of inner space...the depiction of the body and its cellular information best expressed with light and color, rather than words. It is a sensory impression of what I see when I intuitively explore the inner world of myself and others."
Freeland utilizes meditation and art with the specific intention to connect with a person to uplift their healing process. The Alchemy Collection was created in collaboration with the Artist and several people seeking support for any or all: physical, emotional, spiritual or mental challenges.
The Alchemy Collection is introspective and moody, with deep intricate weaving of colors and emotion...the inspiration and effort of the spirit to know itself through art.
January 12th, 2017
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